The Ohlone College Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) is pleased to share with the Ohlone College community this report for the fiscal year 2013-14. The primary role of the CBOC is to monitor the expenditures associated with the College’s two general obligation bonds, Measure A and Measure G. Our Annual Report covers the period of July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014, for these two bond programs.
We are pleased to report that the Measure A, a $150 million Proposition 39 general obligation bond, approved by district voters in 2002, was completed and closed with the fiscal year 2013-2014 audits. These proceeds were used to construct the innovative Ohlone College Newark Center for Health Sciences and Technology, the Student Services Center on the Fremont campus, and to support many infrastructure projects such as the Below Grade Water Intrusion (BGWI) project.
Measure G, a $349 million Proposition 39 general obligation bond initiative, approved by district voters in November 2010, is well underway and making good progress. Many planning and small capital improvements occurred throughout the year, alongside the preparations for the larger projects. The Data Center on the Fremont campus was relocated to make way for new construction. Construction began on the South Parking Structure at Fremont Campus. The planning and design for the Academic Core project, which includes a new Science, Arts, & Learning Commons Building was also completed.
The principal duties of the CBOC are to ensure that bond proceeds have been expended for the purposes set forth in the ballot language of each bond; to report on progress annually to the public; and to provide a statement of compliance certifying that the College, during the reporting period, has met all the requirements established in both the ballot language and by statute.
As Chair of the CBOC, I state that, to the best of its knowledge based on current auditor reports and regular reporting by the College to the CBOC, the Committee finds that the Ohlone Community College District is in full compliance with the responsibilities as described in Article XIIIA, Section 1 (b) (3) of the California State Constitution, which addresses bond indebtedness incurred by a community college district.
Please review the progress of other bond projects at this link:
Again, thank you for your continued support of Ohlone College and its students.
Andrea Francis,
Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Chair